More About handfasting
Handfasting is the practise of symbolising a couple’s commitment to each other by binding their hands together. Handfasting cords are not attached to any religion in particular and there really is no right or wrong way of using them. Recently, more and more couples are adding handfasting ceremonies to their wedding, engagement, or anniversary celebration due the degree of flexibility and personal touch they bring to a ceremony, as well as a tangible memento of the moment they ‘tied the knot’.
handy handfasting resources:
A Short History of Handfasting:
Find out more about the history of handfasting in this blog post.
Who Can Have a Handfasting Ceremony?
Find the answer here (Hint: it's extremely inclusive!)
How to involve other people in your ceremony?This post provides some inspiration!
Meaning and Symbolism of Colours:
Bronze and Warm Tones
The Celtic Knots used in my designs:
An overview of the meaning behind the knots I use in my designs can be found here